Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So Busy!!!

Aren't we all, so busy?!?! You never hear anyone say, "I have nothing to do." Unless, they're a teenager and just bored or a lazy person. But, all of my friends in this family raising, middle age approaching, part of life are just busy!!!

There are days I sit down at the end of the day and think (very quickly think that is, before I involuntarily fall asleep/pass out) I've gotten everything done on my list today. And, if I'm still awake at that point, I think, have I enjoyed it? There are days that I absolutely rush, rush, rush to squeeze in every last thing. But, at the end of the day, I was so busy I can't remember actually living in the moment for most of it. And most days, I don't get any exercise in for myself.

My favorite part of my life is being a wife and mother. Followed very closely by my roles as granddaughter, daughter, sister, friend and aunt. There are a lot of people in my big wonderful extended family including my close friends that I just want more quality time with. So much of what we do each day just doesn't really matter to most people. Face it, it doesn't. So, why not take time to savor the moments with the most special people.

So, what's the plan of action? Find ways to spend time with my favorite people and enjoy doing what needs to be done. Examples:

1. Try to make family car rides lighthearted and fun. We are in the car a lot. No one wants to be stuck in the car with a pouty kid. Pick the battles and the times. Don't use it as a everyone's captivated let's hash it out moment.

2. Invite a friend or relative to family dinner sometime throughout the week.

3. Plan a weekend trip with my husband!!! We always spend time together. But, it's hard to find quality relationship growth time with life staring you in the face.

4. 15 Minute Pickups. Set the timer for 15 minutes. Have the whole family do a quick pick up of the house before bedtime so we all can relax together for 30 minutes or so.

5. Send cards!! Just take a second let someone know I'm thinking of them. Don't take them for granted. I have already stocked cards in my desk drawer and stamps in my wallet.

6. Declare Sundays as family time. Get everything accomplished the rest of the week. Plan Sunday dinner and a volleyball game or hike for example. Invite my brothers' families or friends to join us.

7. Get the family involved in exercising with me. We can do Zumba on the Wii or a Dance Game. Achieve fitness and quality time laughing at and with each other. ;-)

8. Have the family help with dinner prep. Creates conversations with all of us working as a team to get supper finished, the table set, etc. Plus, helps mom have more free time because I'm not doing it all by myself.

Some of these just take a second or two. But, I feel like they are going to let the important people in my life know I value them. What are your thoughts and ideas? I'd love to hear them!!

Thee Alley Kat

All of this has reminded me of something I saw Tommy Lasorda say once to Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show. I'm "saying" this from memory. So, I'm sorry Tommy if I don't get it exactly right. 90% of the people could care less what you do. That leaves 10%. Of the 10%, 9 just want to talk about you. Find that 1% that really care about you and enjoy them!